When we meet: at 7:00pm on Tuesdays of Week 3 and Week 8 of each term.
Who can come: Anyone from the school community who would like to is welcome to attend meetings. If you want to vote, you'll need to become a financial member. The cost is just $1 per year.
What we do: The parents and citizens' association (P&C) exists to support the school, its students and staff. Our aim is to work together to make their school experience the best possible for our children. This involves both fundraising and working in other ways.
We successfully raise funds in a variety of ways, with regular events throughout the school year such as Mother's and Father's Day stalls, Carols by Candlelight and a biennial fete, and occasional events such as Bunning's fundraiser barbecues. We actively seek help with these events and welcome suggestions, assistance in running planned events, and donations to be used as prizes, etc.
In recent years the funds raised have been directed to two major projects: heating and cooling systems in all classrooms and the purchase of laptops for use throughout the school. In addition to direct fundraising we also seek sponsorship for our Computers for Kids program. For more information about sponsorship opportunities email us at cpsnsw.pandc@gmail.com.
We also operate a volunteer-run healthy foods canteen. While keeping prices as low as possible for our families, we do turn a small profit, which is returned to the school community via the P&C.
As well as fundraising, the P&C acts as a conduit between the school community and teachers and staff, contributing ideas and suggestions for the school.
All of this work is possible because of our wonderful parents and school community.
How you can contribute: The best way is to come along to a meeting! But if you have something you'd like the P&C to consider and you can't make it in person, you can email it to cpsnsw.pandc@gmail.com with the subject header "P&C Agenda" and a brief explanation of the issue.
Other ways to contribute is through volunteering. If you have an expertise in a particular field or skill (such as accounting, sewing, gardening, etc.) you can share or spare some time to help organise or run an event, even if it's just an hour to help out on the BBQ or deliver flyers to promote events. You will find participating at Corrimal Public School to be rewarding and fun. It's great to be able to express support for your child's education by being actively involved and actually see some results for your efforts. Corrimal Public School's P&C always appreciates their parent volunteers, as does our teachers and staff.
P&C executive committee 2023
President: Brooke D
Vice President: Kimberly J
Secretary: Kim D
Secretary: Kelly B
Treasurer: Rebecca P
2023 Sub Committees & Groups
Canteen Manager: Helen B
Grants & Sponsorship: Keighly L
Volunteer Coordinator: Vacant
Book Club: Kelly B
Kindy Playgroup: Michelle W, Lou C & Jill W
P&C Roles
How do I take up a leadership position?
The P&C Executive Committee (Executive) consists of the association's office bearers (President, 2xVice Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer). These positions will become vacant prior to the Annual General Meeting (in Sept). At the AGM any financial member may stand for an office bearer position. A Canteen President will also be elected at the AGM.
Roles & Responsibilities
The following is a brief description of each Executive position:
The President:
- Ensures P&C Association functions to achieves its objectives
- Ensures P&C Association takes part in decision-making processes in the school
- Supports volunteers
- Acts as the P&C Association's spokesperson publicly and with the Principal
- Ensures fair participation of all members and welcomes all new members
·Chairs P&C meetings
The Vice President(s):
- The VPs act as a support to the President undertaking tasks to assist in achieving the P&C objectives.
- Can look on the role as a means of gaining an understanding of the various executive roles
The Treasurer:
- Receives and deposits monies, maintains records, draws cheques and presents accounts.
- Presents a report in the form of an income and expenditure statement at meetings and a reconciled bank statement for each and every P&C meeting.
- Ensures that all funds (including canteen) held and handled by P&C are properly
and openly accounted for.
- Signatory on the P&C accounts
- Makes recommendations about surplus funds
- Ensures an annual independent audit is undertaken of the P&C funds before the AGM
The Secretary:
- Performs administrative tasks related to the decisions of the meetings as resolved.
- Attends every association meeting and take notes of the discussions in order to
produce a set of minutes
- Ensures minutes are distributed, amended if required and adopted.
- Receives and conducts correspondence (both snail and email) on behalf of
- Maintains official records of the P&C Association
The Canteen President:
The Canteen operates as a sub-committee under the P&C association. The President manages the tasks related to the effective operation of the canteen including:
- Managing canteen volunteers and convene regular meetings of the canteen
- Promoting the canteen amongst the school community and beyond as required
- Managing internal canteen issues that arise during the school year
- Referring canteen issues as required to the P&C association and executive